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Bildschirmdiagonale: 69 cm / 27 Zoll Bildschirmauflösung: 1.920 x 1.080 Pixel Anschlüsse: 2x HDMI 2.0, 1x DisplayPort 1.2, 1x 3.5 mm Klinke Bildwiederholungsfrequenz: 240 Hz Reaktionszeit: 0.5 ms Bildverhältnis: 16:9 Paneltyp: VA (Vertical Alignment) Synchronisationstechnologie: FreeSync Premium Kontrastverhältnis: 3000:1 Native Bildwiederholfrequenz: 60 Hz
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the setup fits like that. A stronger processor is clearly recommended for gaming on Full HD. UHD limits the graphics card. This is relatively balanced on WQHD.
Check out what game, resolution, settings in the game and how much Fps you want.
The CPU is sufficient per se.
No, it is not necessary to have a better CPU.
But it would be better and if I had to play for example minecraft and ne machine start I get because of the cpu only 10fps
Yeah, but that has nothing to do with the graphics card. Then the CPU is insufficient for this application. When the performance collapses with increasing progress of the game, this is usually the CPU. Because then the computing power comes to its limits to calculate the more complex simulation. You can easily find out by running the HW monitor in the background.
Better would be better. It depends on what you want to play and on what resolution.
A better CPU would be definitely advisable here.