Is Germany, so to speak, the little brother of the USA?
USA: 9,834,000 km2
Germany: 357,592 km2
Is Germany, so to speak, the little brother of the USA?
USA: 9,834,000 km2
Germany: 357,592 km2
Is Germany, so to speak, the little brother of the USA?
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This is not the standard way to answer, although the Germans have already had the greatest share of the colonization history of the USA.
Why should the sibling be just because of the size. A 1.60 big child and a 1.40 big child are not always brothers.
Hello RaserzBoy2,
m.E.n. there are too great cultural differences between the two nations.
No related relationship!
The “small brother” is significantly older.
Brother is too positive. Germany is like the rest of the EU today only a colony of the USA. I am in favour of independence and complete break with the USA! The Ami soldiers should get out of here.
Why? They only protect Germany
It is an absurd idea that Germany or parts of the EU would be a colony of the USA. Our social systems, the legal system, the ideology of work, etc are very different.
In addition, Germany is subject to its constitution and not American legislation.
You should ask the question to the American soldiers in Germany. You know. In her Ami barracks. Those in Germany.
These are the big brothers?
If they’re on it.
Thank you for the psychoanalysis, Doctor. 🤣
Would it be annoying if I always answered that, huh?
Yes, but who has been occupying Germany and talking to rich people?
One should mention that he is a very small bit sensitive and radical. He always reads what he wants to read.
This is not really annoying, rather a sign of instability.
Because that’s the Ductus of the Reich citizens. Easy.
How do you come to rich people now?
Are we occupied? Rich citizen Gelaber and so?
The little brother of the USA is Israel.