Ist Deutschland sehr arm im vergleich zu Schweiz und Norwegen?
Die haben 2x mal!!
Also Deutschland 50.000 , sie 100.000/Capita.
Die haben 2x mal!!
Also Deutschland 50.000 , sie 100.000/Capita.
Die Apothekerin hat gesagt, dass ich 3 mal täglich eine Kapsel einnehmen soll. Aber auf der Verpackung steht dass man es nur 2 mal täglich einnehmen soll und die empfohlene verzehrmenge nicht überschreiten soll. Es heißt Apolife Klare Nase. Soll ich es jetzt 2 oder 3 mal einnehmen?
Guten Abend Ich würde gern von euch wissen ob ihr einen guten Tipp für ein Ferienhaus in Deutschland habt. Am besten wäre ein Abgelegenes Haus im Wald. Aber keine Sorge es geht um nichts illegales. Nur um Entspannung irgendwo abseits. Ursprünglich wollten wir nach Schweden aber jetzt soll es was in der Heimat werden Danke…
“Sowohl: (Bildungsfrage, Forschungsfrage, Geistesfrage, Gesellschaftsfrage oder Wissensfrage) siehe oben…”
Wie weit ist der Fußweg vom Museum zum Wikingerdorf in Haithabu? Haben Menschen mit Schwerbehinderung die Möglichkeit, direkt bis zum Dorf zu fahren/gefahren zu werden?
The cost of living there is also about 50 percent higher than in Germany.
It almost resembles it again.
And very poor You may be in Congo or Senegal. In Germany, prosperity is very high.
You don’t have to do something for yourself, regardless of which country you live in.
Compared to other African countries, Senegal is actually not even poor, rather the opposite.
It was asked whether Germany is very poor compared to Switzerland.
And that also refers to my answer.
What are you doing?
It is necessary to include various factors in this calculation. You can’t know that because you never enjoyed a higher education.
In Germany, it is in all cases better than in Egypt, where you live again soon.
There are no other factors.
Switzerland is financially in fact 2x even better.
See the number of citizenship there. Thousands of Germans want to become Swiss. 300,000 Germans work there because they have better.
Achmed can become German. Ohmed has to go back. Ohmed was nix nice.
As I said, in none of these countries, you’re just crossing the border.
In addition to net income, GFK also includes capital income and government transfer payments such as unemployment and child benefit and pensions.
Apr 7, 2021 — ThePurchasing powerin theSwitzerlandis about 40’00 Euro in 2021 and almost twice as high as that inGermanyand Austria.
I want to live in Norway to enjoy prosperity there.
Based on the purchasing power parity, there is at least about 30 percent less in Germany. However, cost of living varies greatly depending on the canton.
No. Germany is not poor in comparison with Switzerland and Norway
Is Bill Gates poor now because Elon Musk is in front of him in the current Forbes list?
If does it joke?
Was a couple of times in Switzerland, and sooo great is there not….
It’s all stupid PR.
What did you think bad?
Not bad, but overrated.
Too badly.
The arrogance is kind of ridiculous.