Ist der thc test negativ?
Ich habe bald ein drogescreening. Ich habe an dem Termin seit 4 Wochen nicht mehr gekifft. Und habe bis jetzt nur 4-5 mal auf Partys ein paar Züge genommen. Wird der Test negativ ausfallen? Ich bin 1.89 und wiege nur 71 kg.
Ich habe bald ein drogescreening. Ich habe an dem Termin seit 4 Wochen nicht mehr gekifft. Und habe bis jetzt nur 4-5 mal auf Partys ein paar Züge genommen. Wird der Test negativ ausfallen? Ich bin 1.89 und wiege nur 71 kg.
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Why don’t you invest €5 and buy a urine test for cannabis at Amazon or in a pharmacy and end your anxiety (maybe)?
An abstinence with “only four-five times between what smoked” – is not abstinence – but only extends the so-called “detection period”.
I mean, the 4 to 5 times have been a long time and always so at least one month’s distance. So in the last 4 weeks before the appointment, I’ve cut zero.
Buy test, go safe.
Do you think you pulled 4-5 trains on parties before the 4 week break or that you took only a few trains during these 4 weeks?
If you mean that you didn’t get 4 weeks at all and took only 4-5 trains before that, it’s likely to be negative.
Yes, it was before the 4 weeks.
Then nix
There isn’t a little pregnant. If you’re going to grind, you have THC in your blood.
But a drug test is only positive from a certain amount.
For your info: there is no blood sample taken and evaluated. A rapid drug test is extremely sensitive! For example, the police wipe over the steering wheel and then already detect traces of THC. Whether the BP also gives a relevant quantity is another question.
Welding on the steering wheel and then the BP can still be negative.
The THC value must nevertheless exceed a certain threshold so that the quick test is positive.