Ist der Test positiv?

Hallo Leute

wollte nachfragen ob ihr Erfahrungen mit diesen Test habt 🫠

ich bin gerade Eisprung +10 und der Test ist nach 19 Minuten so geworden ?

da stand innerhalb von 10 Minuten

ich weiß nicht ob diese 9 Minuten mehr was zu bedeuten haben??
Wir probieren seit 11 Monaten nach unserer Fg ! Ich weis nicht ob ich mich trauen soll wieder zu testen… oder ob ich erst nach 4-5 Tagen wieder einen anderen kaufen soll!

Danke im Voraus

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9 months ago

All after reading time is invalid and Clearblue tend to get this funny line.

It’s too early for a test, though.

9 months ago

Your symptoms are typical of PMS, you wouldn’t notice anything about pregnancy so early.

I wish you all the best.

9 months ago

With all due respect and understanding for your holiness – why are you testing so early? A healthy pregnancy does not run away from you and cannot be excluded safely at this time.

With more and more sensitive pregnancy tests, which are always carried out earlier, unfortunately, there is often more confusion, uncertainty and additional diagnostics than a sweet one.

For almost all photos of supposedly “positive” Tests and questions about “weak lines” I wonder why the questioners assume that the test manufacturers want to trigger a big riddle rate…

A test carried out correctly and at the right time and read out is positive when a second thick, bold, colored line (or a plus) appears in the result field.

If a weak test line appears within the reading period, it may be a pregnancy at a very early stage – e.g. before the period remains.

If such a weak line appears later, it is not a pregnancy, but rather a “evaporation line”. Then this “result” is invalid. That is why the manufacturers also provide a reading time.

If you look at the test with argus eyes from all sides, you can see the basis of the test field. However, this is not a reaction with the enzymes present thereon, then a clear discoloration would be evident.

But about half of all fertilized eggs happen a miscarriage before 5. SSW, if the affected person has not noticed the pregnancy (without a highly sensitive test) and considers the leaving of the body fruit to be a late or particularly strong control bleeding.

Wait for your period to fall.

Happy for you – I’m pushing the thumbs!

9 months ago

I don’t know if these 9 minutes have anything to mean??

Yes, this means that the read-off is no longer valid.

Only within the reading time is the test meaningful. Not of it, nor of it. Also in the instructions for the test.

9 months ago

The test is valid only within the reading period and this also has reasons.

The line is not completely consistent so the test is invalid to values.

Well possible, you’re still pregnant. Make a digital one.

I was only able to test positively at ES +10 with digital.

9 months ago

Good luck (:

9 months ago

If there is 10 minutes reading period there are 10 minutes reading period, then the test can be in the garbage.

A test is valid for 19 days after the unprotected GV or with no period.

9 months ago

When the line has appeared only after the specified reading time, he has nothing to say. Only what appears within this time is valid.