Ist der tag Name RESET12 ein „toy“ name? (GRAFFITI)?

also ich persönlich mag den Graffitiyoutuber RESK12 (mein Idol) daher die zwölf. Aber mein Name ist „RESET12“ („RESET“, habe ich mir selbst überlegt) So, jetzt klingt halt mein Name ein bisschen toy meiner Meinung nach. Seht ihr das genauso?

Danke im Voraus 🙂

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9 months ago

Reset is definitely a very good name in my opinion, the 12 you can do is funny that with Resk but could be that Leite has something to complain about the number, I have no problem with it. Colour water has already said this with the postal code, so I did.

9 months ago

If you explain this as much as you already have to like your day. Reset is okay. Numbers were/are often taken from the house number where you live or grew up, parts of the postal code, etc. If you want to have a number, you could try it in the direction then it is more personal.

9 months ago
Reply to  RESET12Graff

As I said, your decision is complete, and you must like your name.