Is the pregnancy test positive?
Hi everyone, I don't know if you can see the line. It's really only the slightest bit. Does that mean I'm pregnant? I did the test about 12 days after ovulation. I've never had a slight line before, and I've never had a positive one. Perhaps you have more experience with it.
Tested too early. If this is a normal test, it must have passed at least 14 days after the ovulation. And since you don’t know when your ovulation was, you usually make a test with the morning urine (14 + you 5 days, the sperms in the vagina can wait for the egg cell) 19 days after the unprotected sex/preventional span.
I only see one line and would therefore say that the test is negative.
What is positive about it?
In addition to the box is the explanation: 2 lines =pregnant
1 line =not pregnant.
It’s not that hard.
When pregnant, the line can be seen very clearly. And I don’t see anything.
I can’t see a second line on the picture.
The first line is covered by the second line.
Or, not pregnant. But rather not pregnant.
There is garnix covered ..
No, there’s no line.
There’s no second line.
What is so difficult to understand about the ad? Are you illiterate???
Just shut up when you have nothing to say.
Why do you ask so stupid?