Ist der PC nach dem formatieren der Festplatte wie neu?


Ich habe oder eher gesagt mein Vater hat mein PC also Di Festplatte das Laufwerk C formatiert. Jetzt ist meine Frage ob der PC dann so ist wie neu im Laden gekauft, also so aussieht als wäre er vorher nie existiert.

War ip gesperrt warum auch immer und wollte fragen ob das jetzt weg ist

LG Lena

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2 months ago

The formatting emptys the hard disk and if it is the one on which Windows was installed, the system must be completely reinstalled. After that, the system is fresh and has to be refurbished, so as to be new.

You do not bypass an IP barrier because the IP is dependent on your internet connection. Simple IP barriers can usually be handled with a restart of the router, as new IPs are assigned. This also happens on its own, depending on the router.

2 months ago

Easy formatting can be reversed almost effortlessly. However – as long as you don’t do this, the data is harmless when you e.g. if the PC wants to reinstall, then there is no risk that malware is transmitted.

IP addresses are typically assigned automatically today, so that this does not have much to do with the IP address.

Is the IP address of this one PC locked in your router? Then formatting and reinstalling helps.

Is the IP address blocked by a service provider on the Internet? Then this has nothing to do with the IP address of the PC (which applies to your internal network). There is the easiest remedy to wait until your router gets assigned a new IP address. (Although not directly. If the PC has captured malware and works as a spam spin, then reinstalling avoids the new IP address being blocked again after a short time. As long as there is no other device on the other side.) It is usually also possible to assign another IP address prematurely; how to do this, you should be able to learn from the provider (possibly ask an internet search engine).

2 months ago

Yeah, he’s “young.”

IP locked is nonsens, simply reconnect and you get a new IP.

2 months ago

– No.

Your IP address (which changes regularly anyway) has nothing to do with your hard disk.

2 months ago

After formatting the main data carrier, the PC can no longer be used because the operating system and all data are deleted.

2 months ago

ip has to format me nix to do.

2 months ago
Reply to  Lena1x

So fast because without data waste, yes, but with your lock or ip has to do the nix

2 months ago

which IP was blocked? INFO INFO INFO

and if you install Win kompeltt NEW and also delete ALL partitioene of the boot disk and reinstall it, then things are virtually “new”