Ist der Monster Energy Ultra White ungesund?
Klar, da steckt viel Koffein drin, aber wenn ich es 1 mal in der Woche trinke ist doch alles gut. Da steht, dass es auch 0 g Zucker beinhaltet. Bin 20.
Klar, da steckt viel Koffein drin, aber wenn ich es 1 mal in der Woche trinke ist doch alles gut. Da steht, dass es auch 0 g Zucker beinhaltet. Bin 20.
Meinung zu hochwertigen grüntee
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Even four, five a week are not a problem. As long as you don’t drink too much other energy drinks or coffee.
Today I drank coffee and energy. I realize it wasn’t such a good idea. My muscles trembling extremely crass. I’m sure that’ll go away tomorrow, but what am I gonna do now? Should I lie down or eat anything?
Yes, because there are chemical sugar substitutes.
It’s not “healthy” but it’s not harmful to your crowd. You can drink 2-3 per day depending on age. Only the sweetener doesn’t like the body, but I don’t think it’s bad for small quantities (as with you).
Dangerous half knowledge!!!
No, sweeteners without calories do not lead to the rise in blood sugar and not to insulin emissions. This shows the overwhelming majority of all studies and investigations.
Corrected 👍🏻
It’s not recommended, but nothing happens at once a week.
Today I drank coffee and energy. I realize it wasn’t such a good idea. My muscles trembling extremely crass. I’m sure that’ll go away tomorrow, but what am I gonna do now? Should I lie down or eat anything?
Drink water and try to lay down or walk a bit. This is the side effect of too much caffeine. Therefore consciously and deliberately take caffeine.
Then you know you can’t handle it. Kp😅
If you only drink it once in the week is not bad