Ist der Mercedes C 180 T d kombi ein gutes Auto(gebraucht 3 Jahre)?
Hallo ! Meine Eltern wollen einen, wie oben angegeben Wagen kaufen. Ich wollte euch Fragen, ob das eine gute Entscheidung ist?
Und sind 122 Ps viel? Was ist die Höchstgeschwindigkeit mit 122 PS
Danke schon im voraus!!!
A rocket is not, but surely a passable, economical middle-class combination. The quality is fine, the rest of the flavor, price/performance there are certainly better offers (Ford Mondeo, Skoda Superb etc.) than the relatively narrow Mercedes-combi, but in itself it should be okay. Here’s a short report.
The OM654 engine is what you could consider positive, at least not a Mercedes-Benz Renault development, but actually comes from Mercedes. I would only buy a three-year-old from the reputable Mercedes dealer with warranty and complete maintenance.
This is the weakest diesel engine with only 1.6 liters capacity in 205.
300 Nm torque and 201 km/h tip are specified.
Under the C 220d, I would personally not buy a C-Class.
A C 180 T with 122 hp is clearly underengineered. I’m driving a C 220 CDI with 170 hp, and that’s just enough to be able to swim in traffic, and not to appear as a traffic obstacle. Severe vehicles with little power are required for the engine to be reworked in fuel consumption and wear.