Ist der Mensch körperlich und auf die Muskulatur bezogen bis 47 Jahren noch in seiner besten biologischen Kraft und dann war’s das auch?

Quasi von Ende 12 bis 47.

Der Mensch kann sich an der Pubertät 35 Jahre lang gut mit allen Altersgruppen körperlich durchsetzen und dann war’s das auch oder?

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1 year ago

No, it’s not up to 47 years. That’s too old.

For example, you can take athletes, e.g. football players. At the age of 30, they must seriously consider when they stop sports and what they want to do after that. In other sports it doesn’t look different.

I’ve read once, at the age of 25 you have the age where you can best achieve sports performance.

1 year ago
Reply to  klism

Older footballers are good due to their experience, not due to their physical condition.

1 year ago

I have a different attitude and experience: Of course, the age of life is an important factor. Equally important is the training condition and intensive training. When I tried to jump for the first time after a few years with a good 25 years, I managed to get the performance from the 20th. Year of life no longer.

For this, I had a regular performance explosion at 32 years and 43 years later. With 32 eccentric interval training with 10 runs over 400 meters each led to it. With 43, I wanted to yogg in the forest several times a week. In a short time, I improved the runtime on a challenging track (about 12 Km) from the beginning well one hour to under 40 minutes. After about three months, I had to cancel the training for back pain.

My story may be untypical, because my endurance talent has not been recognized and is finally devastated. At 50 years I had my last football match in the AH, after which I played a few years tennis.

1 year ago
Reply to  klism

I’ve been obstructed for 20 years with two artificial hip joints. That’s why only power-spazieren goes with two walkers.

1 year ago

Thank you.

1 year ago

and today 79.

1 year ago

I once read the zenith in pointo body is reached with about 25.

From there it goes slowly to 35, then steeper downhill.

With training, nutrition, health can be compensated and slowed down, but a 35 can no longer physically with a 25 year old.

The human being has not been conceived by evolution to become older than 35-40, which explains the achievement of the highest performance with 25.

1 year ago
Reply to  klism

However, you have to compare the same training level, and most 40j can no longer keep up, in athletics, strength, etc

Or why do most professional footballers stop at mid-30?

That man is not “constructed” for 60 years of life, one sees ua at the teeth, and at the menopause in women.

But if you know everything that exactly, why do you even ask here?

1 year ago

The 35j football professionals run the 20-25j players around the ears, so they stop, or then go to clubs with a lower level, where their routine and experience is valuable…

People nowadays live so long because it allows modern medicine, perfect nutritional situation, etc.

Are you about 35+ and do not want to count as “old iron”….?

1 year ago

It depends on what you do.

They say, in endurance sports, that at 30 you have reached the peak, the peak. After that it goes downhill. That’s what I’m talking about. If you are a high-performance athlete, your strength decreases beyond the 30, or the training becomes more and more complicated. However, with 50 you should still be more powerful than most of the 30 j, which -sports are more highly active. Fabian Wegmann, an ex-rad profi, with 43, is now looking up the steepest mountains compared to sporting NOrmal sportsmen in the monkey tooth.

And Eddie Merckx, 75 years old, is probably driving many cyclists today who are much younger than he, of whom.

So it always comes to the comparison group.

1 year ago

The fact that strength and endurance decreases with age is indisputable. But one has great influence on time(s) and the percentage of decrease. Those who do customized strength and endurance training get both much longer than someone who doesn’t do anything.

Performance sports, including record performance, are certainly not for example 60 years old, but 70%, 80% of its youthful level can be obtained in all.

1 year ago

The biological climax is at 25 years. This does not necessarily mean that the sporting performance decreases from then on, but that the potential is lower after that.

1 year ago

Biodegradation actually begins at 30 years.

From evolution, people would hardly have been older than 40 years on average. A chimpanzeee in “free wild alley” is also not getting older.

1 year ago

At 13?

Arms against a 60-year-old?

dream more

1 year ago
Reply to  klism

Arms, don’t hit.

Stronger than a 60-year-old boxer?

1 year ago

Most accidents happen in housework.

Tactical attack is far below

drowning or getting around in fire is more common

1 year ago

Most deaths occur at home.

1 year ago

I had the last club in the 8th class.

If you’re grown up and don’t have football fan activities, or get criminal, you won’t need your fighting skills.

All I know have become old without a fight or have no fear of coming into a fight, as very unlikely.

Two exceptions, one politically motivated, the other drunken had a fight.

….on the street…hey, we live in the house