Ist der Mensch durch Mutationen entstanden?
Affen und Menschen haben ja einen Gemeinsamen Vorfahren. Mit der Zeit wurde aus diesen Vorfahren dann ein Mensch und ein Affe. Und die Wege trennten sich sozusagen. Ist der Mensch dann also durch Mutationen entstanden?
Mutations of the individuals of a population and subsequent selection of the mutations which are most suitable for survival in the currently prevailing environmental conditions (in which their carriers tend to produce more descendants than the carriers of unpredictable mutations) are generally the main driving springs of biological evolution.
This is not different from us and was not different in our ancestors until the beginning of life, so the answer to your question is yes. In the biological sense of the term Monkeys They belong to them, just as we also belong to mammals and vertebrates (the monkeys are a subgroup of mammals and one subgroup of vertebrates).
By mutation and selection, yes. Most mutations either cause nothing or are lethal, which has made a inheritance. Everything else can be advantageous or not depending on living conditions. If it is advantageous, the number of carriers of these genes increases abruptly in the population.
The last common ancestor with the recent monkeys was already a monkey. We’re monkeys. Dry nose apes.
Mutation is a cause of genetic variation. There are others like gene drift or recombination.
However, these variations must always be selected. Only the kummulative selection ensures that changes are made from variations.
The changes are always so minimal from generation to generation that one could hardly prove them to two directly derived individuals. Only the selection that allows certain variations to live and multiply, but others to emulate, creates developments in the sequence of thousands of generations, which can lead to a different kind of determination when considering two individuals who are far apart on the time ray.
In principle, all of today’s living beings were created by mutations.
Selection pressure is what advances evolution. Monkeys and people have a common ancestor.
what science is all about xD
Sounds emotional
‘Remember’ is the wrong word.
No, this is Bavarian, Austrian.. for example: comes to mind
That’s it. A zugroasster Saupreiß.
I’m from Bavaria, too. Do not know who speaks or writes like that
The hobma scho thinks
I’m Bayer. The word is still wrong.