Ist der Mazda 6 mit 180.000 Kilometern noch zu empfehlen?

Hallo würdet ihr mir abraten von nen kauf eines Mazdas 6 kombi 2,2 crdt exklusive mit 180t km drauf. Laut google fangen sie immer um den Bereich 200t km an zu spinnen. Wie ist eure Erfahrung?

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4 years ago

The internet claims a lot, I think it is a technically interested driver who not only informs himself about the self-driven brand: The Mazda 6 is actually very good. Its main problem is mazda-usual grate (but since 2008 it was significantly better preserved); Technology, reliability, processing, comfort and space are very good and definitely far above average – that the look does not meet everyone’s taste is of course clear. But that would be boring if everyone liked the same car.

In general, you have to be aware of the whole story of one thing: for four years, you have quickly completed 300,000 at 25,000 kilometers a year, and then on sale you eat only some Albanian or African, who gives you a few hundred and most of the time after tough negotiations. Or you do it like me (Mercedes C180, about 260,000 kilometers) and decide to drive the plan to the bitter end.

For this, the reliability in a Mazda is certainly better at a comparatively high age than in a Passat or, in my opinion, a Renault Laguna Kombi – Mazda is Mazda. The old 626 was already good, the six is also solid. It tears out – with a mazda you usually drive without bad surprises when it comes from the rust. Only the spare parts are a little more expensive.

But if this is taken into account and the car is very well maintained with all inspections, from the grate still stands well and everything fits, then you will certainly not make a bad purchase with a Mazda 6. The decision is in the end with you.

4 years ago

This should be the model with a control chain, so everything is fine, except for quite sluggish performance development at 2.2, but it will be halfway solid. I myself wouldn’t get a vehicle with this running performance anymore, but this is not a debate here.

I know Mazda drivers who drove the vehicles forever.

Only rust alone will probably be noticeable in 2010.

It would be important to me whether he is fully serviced and all maintenance and co were made with a reasonable contact person.

4 years ago
Reply to  EspressoLatte

If it is regularly reared, in any case longer than with belts.

4 years ago

180tkm is already a bank, and even with the best care and maintenance he has arrived at the end of his career.

This depends on your driver profile, how much kilometers you drive in the year etc. pp.

4 years ago

Mazda actually knows how to build cars. 180 thousand km is a lot. Of course I don’t know what your requirements are for the car and how much money you have available. But I think you’ll find cars in a better state who you know what.

4 years ago
Reply to  EspressoLatte

If he’s a good shot, the price is actually fair. Maybe he’ll grab 100,000 kilometers. You always know that after.

4 years ago

hmmm…the common rail diesel is more durable than the pump nozzle…but has its weakened! but no matter….before the motor gives up the mind…the six one below you go away!

4 years ago

If it’s cheap, I’d take him.

4 years ago
Reply to  aloelvera


4 years ago

It’s a very old model.