Ist der Lachs noch gut, auch wenn er weiße Flecken/ Stellen hat?
Ich habe mir heute beim Rewe Lachs gekauft und habe beim Aufmachen direkt gesehen, dass dieser helle Flecken hat. Ist dieser noch gut oder ist das beim Zuchtlachs normal? Ich würde ihn ungerne wegschmeißen, aber habe so etwas zuvor noch nicht gesehen.
The salmon is perfect, these are protein powders and completely normal. If he were bad, he would smell very strict.
Good appetite
Without a photo, this is difficult to judge!
Just think it’s fat/protein!? o_O
So if the fish looks like on the linked photo, it’s okay!
I have uploaded a picture, I hope to see it as good as it is. It’s smoked salmon in slices.
Ah, now (!) the picture is here! Look absolutely right! GUTEN!
There was air, it dries and discolors something… but it’s not a raw fish, so ALL GUT! Really!
Thank you – Do you know what the stains have on you?
Depends on whether you gave it before
No, I opened the packaging and saw the white/lighter spots directly.
If he’s insane, you’ll throw him away.
I’ve never had moldy salmon to face. But would be very annoying, since I bought him today.
He’s okay, he just saw the picture now.
looks perfect, let it taste you!