Is the rabbit run big enough?

I wanted to buy a rabbit run and I'm wondering if 3×4 meters is big enough for two dwarf rabbits. I don't want to stick to the minimum dimensions, as I think they're much too small. I just want to provide my two rabbits with a nice run.

I would be very happy to receive an answer!


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2 years ago

Hello ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿฝ

Make them a walk for day and night.

You can undermine the cradle below with mesh wire then it is jam-proof. If you’re gonna make a grating on it up there, you can’t get your rabbits.

Dear Greetings I hope I could help you

2 years ago

I had for my two nursing rabbits 36 square meters, plus 13 square meters kitchen, it was a Wonne to see how agile they were, ran, hooks beat etc.

2 years ago

Hi, yes, I find the minimum dimensions too small, I would expand it a bit. But if that doesnโ€™t go then they will certainly feel in the place also very comfortable ๐Ÿ™ƒรฐลธ ฬƒโ€ฐ

2 years ago

3×4 meters are a little larger than minimum dimensions. Greater is always better.

2 years ago

Hello, I think that’s right.

Also find that the minimum dimensions are too small, thank you for doing it right!

LG :

2 years ago

We had 4 times 5 meters for 2 rabbits. It was OK how big your garden is and how much space you have available.