Ist der Job der Kauffrau für Versicherungen Finanzanlagen eine Kunst oder Wissenschaft u.v.m?
Heyy ganz kurz und knapp, ich habe morgen ein Bewerbungsgespräch für die Ausbildung Kauffrau für Versicherung und Finanzen und da soll ich die Frage (siehe oben) beantworten. Kann mir da jemand seine Meinung dazu äußern damit ich mal verschiedene Einblicke habe.
danke im Voraus
If there are requests in a conversation with the customer, you should be able to answer them precisely, so science. In art, this is rather a matter of interpretation
Mmn. an extremely stupid question in an interview. First of all, this is a training job with very hard training content. – but it’s just between us.
If I had to answer this question, I’d say it’s a science. This profession has rules and laws to which one has to adhere, similar to the laws of nature in physics. Not everyone can define gravity as he wants.
There is no place for artistic freedoms, so the profession of a merchant is not art.
On the other hand, when it comes to the art of selling, we leave the field of fixed rules and laws, and it is about psychology and emotions and thus to play with it, in order to come to success can be more of an art.
But before art the hard school of rules is set.
This is not related to art or science. It’s just a commercial training.
You could study insurance later, but that would be the second or third step.
that is neither art nor science – a good pupil should no longer fall into it!
a very normal service teaching profession!
for the profi it is later an art to sell something he never needs!
It’s just idiots!
the successful!