Ist der Film ,,das Boot” gut?
meine Familie meinte das der Film ,,das Boot” sehr sehr sehr gut sein soll. Als Kind durfte ich ihn nicht gucken, deswegen habe ich Heute noch Bange den Film zu gucken, will es aber unbedingt. Dazu gibts ja auch ne neue Serie.
Mit welchen Emotionen würdet ihr den Film beschreiben?
Ich habe gehört er soll sehr düster sein o.o
ich will nur vorbereit sein xD
Yes, it’s gloomy and jamming.
But it’s not so bad if you don’t get so much on it. It’s not a horror movie.
The film shows the sad reality of war, from the perspective of a submarine occupation.
Here’s the MakingOf.
Maybe it will help you decide.
It doesn’t spoil too much and leaves enough of the movie.
There is not only a new series that I have never seen, but also the old one that is nothing else than the film, but just stretched to 6 (?) episodes. I’d rather recommend the film.
He is not gloomy, but he shows the (word literally) jamming everyday life of a German submarine occupation during the war.
The boat is certainly one of the best German films. Of course, it’s a war movie – so not only sweet bunnies run around. But actually you should have seen him.
A masterpiece.
Funfackts :
I don’t know what you’ve got. The boat is one of the, if not the best German film.
The movie the boat, is a war movie with star occupation, I would recommend the old filming, as even Herbert Grönemeyer plays, the movie is very well done and also very exciting. If you can’t see people die, it’s nothing for you, but it’s not bloody, but it’s very emotional.
He is really exciting and also a bit sad, but definitely cool😄
The movie is great. But only in the Directors Cut.
The reissue in the series is incredibly bad compared to the movie.