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Hi Freunde, weiß jemand wie man den Flachband Kabel stecker heißt, damit ich diesen auf Aliexpress bestellen kann ? Es handelt es sich um ein Flachbandkabel Connector von einem Motherboard von Drone DJI Mini 3 Pro
No – not really.
How long does he take?
and so can you do it?
am italian
Can’t be said for the individual case. Some people get it faster – others need longer. It’s similar to the car guide.
Find out which conditions you need to meet for your project at the official points of contact. There you will surely also find information about where & how you can complete a “guide certificate”.
I don’t know where this is
As a drone pilot, you take part in air traffic and thus also bear a great responsibility. It is yours Task to inform you & to adhere to all regulations. And you will find out about official posts – not about Laien forums.
Can you make it online or how?
because I found a page that makes that
What’s it gonna take?
You can do it online… You said you had the mavic 3… mark c1. Heisst drone examination a1 /a3
Can you just finish in 3 hours… (A1/A3)
What takes is getting the E-ID… about 1 month
Me too
A1/A3, yes, but was the last year, I got him for free…
I did the little one, too?
Super, you’re still young, you learn easier…
I’ll be 50 this year…
I did this in an hour, maybe learned an hour
Yeah, I didn’t last much longer..
So only 3 hours where you need half a year for the car registration?