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2 years ago

So a car with so many kilometers can actually not be bought without any thought. There would be a full service booklet and a corresponding price at least.

In principle, they are solid. I myself have an E93 (LCI) as 335i, but it has not yet seen 10,000 kilometers.

2 years ago

That’s very important to the previous owners. Was this pricky and always did all the services? Was the car always warmed? Were all errors fixed immediately? The problem is that you can’t prove anything except the services. Apart from that, not only the engine is a wear part. If it goes after me, I would also not buy a car with so many kilometers and an automatic transmission, as this is very often from approx. 150,000 starts to make problems. As for switch: The clutch could be retracted, but this can be solved much easier. These were only the most important parts.

2 years ago

E90 yes

320i with the kilometers no.

is a 4 cylinder that has certain problems.

2 years ago

naja bmw depends on whether the daily were at service if you are looking for a reliable car today I recommend you toyota hybrd

2 years ago

… if it’s in a top condition, yes. But come here at short notice

not some repairs on one?

2 years ago

I would never buy a car with so much km. Not at all