Ist der Beruf des ÖPNV‘s gefährdet?


ich bin ein wenig neugierig, und wollte einfach mal wissen, wie es mit dem Beruf des Busfahrers bzw. Straßenbahnfahrers/Zug Fahrers ausschaut.

Denkt ihr, dass es diesen Beruf noch lange geben wird, bzw. dass er bald ersetzt werden könnte, durch die heutige künstliche Intelligenz?

Danke schon mal im Voraus, für die Antworten! 🙂

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7 months ago

I don’t think we’ll still see that vehicles – whether they are cars, trucks, bus or train – will drive 100% autonomous.

Because we live in Germany. Everything has to be regulated here. And then the problems begin. What happens when an autonomously driving vehicle is involved in an accident and even injured or dead? Who’s gonna blame? Can you blame a AI? And if so, who is liable?
For this reason, a person must always sit in the vehicle who can be supported by the AI, but always has the opportunity to intervene – and ultimately has everything to be answered.

Of course, it can be or will happen that fewer staff are needed. The fact that, for example, at the end of train attendees take over the tasks of the locomotive driver, supported by the AI or only one person on the train is present and responsible. But there must always be someone monitoring the technology.

7 months ago

Not in Germany. Rather we return to horse-drawn carriages as the AI takes care of it.

7 months ago

In other countries, this can probably take over an AI.

Here in Germany, we don’t even manage the toilets to work in trains.

7 months ago

Undergrounds will drive autonomously, so do it already. They’re always on free tracks. A lot can happen on the road, you have to react and adapt to changing circumstances. Since I think it will take until the technique is so perfect that it can be used and then again until people really trust it. This can be so far in 20 years, but I don’t think personally.

7 months ago

I can only introduce myself to self-driven cars with their own gleisbett. And that’s what I mean. In normal traffic, a person will always be with it in the öpnv. Unless there are only self-propelled vehicles. They can communicate with each other. The man is too selfish for it.

7 months ago

Think so in 10 or 20 years…. Will buses and trains be self-driving