Ist das zuviel(Psychedelikas)?
Ich habe vor 2 Pappen(400 Mikrogramm) LSD und gleichzeitig 2 Rolex Ecstasy Pillen mit jeweils 350mg MDMA(also 700mg MDMA) also einen sogenannten “Candyflip” zu nehmen
Ich bin gut informiert und mental gut vorbereitet, bin auch extrem gespannt auf die Erfahrung.
Aber trotzdem(Frage an die Psychonauten hier) findet ihr ist das zuviel?
in the place I would expect to read something that is comprehensible with common sense and thus to be classified in the category “reasonable” or “intelligently thought-out”.
Your project is the exact opposite!
Don’t be so…
Apart from that, this is a false forum. Instructions for drug abuse you need to look elsewhere.
PS: By the way, psychedelica. without “s.”
Yes, if your destination for the trip is to leverage you with the MDMA to the Intesiv station and start the hospital psychosis with the acid, the plan is perfect.
At your post you can see that you’ve never had one of the drugs in your hand, so I’m saving the rest
And you know that even if you’re well informed. The alleged amount of MDMA alone is ridiculously high. Courageous because without Drugchecking is never sure what exactly and how much of it is contained in a pill at all.
The pills are tested.
At least.
The graphic shown in the following linked article is very good, which is why the stated amount of MDMA is so ridiculously high.
I think you’re deliberately wearing fat. Besides, I think you’ve changed your nickname recently. The other day, you even told me about smokeable LSD in Haschisch.
Go to drug counseling. Even if you don’t take drugs (because you can’t afford them), but you have a notorious urge to use drugs or drugs.
That’s too much. This can really be problematic.
Usually, and a half pills are good enough to be on it
With so strong, half loose
If you are well informed, you should know that this amount of MDMA would only be within the scope of Safer Use if you weighed around 500 kg.
The MDMA alone is already heavily overdosed. It’s almost no longer up to the LSD. It’s not toxic at least.
That’s too much.
the mdma is too much
It’s just crazy. Sorry! LG