Ist das zuviel?
Ist das zuviel?:
Frühstück: Overnight-Oats (50g Haferflocken, 150ml Milch, 1 TL Zucker, eine Prise Salz, 2 TL Leinsamen, eine Prise Zimt) mit einer Banane
Mittag: 1 riesige Portion Nudeln mit Brokkoli, Ketchup und Käse (fragt nicht)
Abendbrot: 2 Scheiben Brot mit Wurst, Tomate und Salat
Snack: 1 großes Stück Zartbitterschokolade mit Erdbeeren, Mangos und Erdnussbutter, 1 Orange, 1 Apfel
PS: Ich bin 12 Jahre alt
No, that’s not too much, but still probably too little, and you have absolute normal weight and shouldn’t count on calories at all. Once again, you finally looked for psychological help because the eating disorder you have, because no one with a healthy relationship to eating counts calories and asks several times the question whether eating what is planned is too much or not.
Just eat what you like and taste, don’t worry if it’s too much or too little.
I don’t understand why you always ask if that’s too much of the little one.
I eat like pleasure and mood and never think about whether it’s too much or too little.
In addition, I like the feeling that if you are really stuffed with eating, you always get so tired.
I’m not telling you if it’s too much or too little, because you have an edgy and you’re supposed to get some help as someone should support it with your questions.
No, not too much.
It is in the normal frame, which others say better tomato sauce than ketchup, but I would have to join.
But totally the frame.
It’s okay. So too much in no way.
I can’t find the chocolate cube, but that’s not the point.
The crowd is completely okay. It’s NOT too much.
I don’t think that’s too much. I’m 17 and feed me like that, and I’m fine 👍🏻
No – and don’t ask every day.
This circle of your thoughts about eating is part of your eating disorder.
It’s good you’ll get help soon. Work beforehand on your attitude.
Don’t cook at least one tomato sauce or even better a minced sauce. :