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I am not a doctor, but I assume that “daily” consumption of alcohol, even if it is not up to the ailment or even nonsensuality, is also at least a matter of concern in small quantities.
From the point where alcohol is in the body, I think it is metabolized in acetic acid to make it degradable and is burned as an energy source to get rid of it again.
In this time, carbohydrates and fats are stored as well as not used, and minerals are powdered. Some influence on metabolism and the detoxification organs will have it at least in the long term. At least if you do that in the long term.
You can do that all the time without any consequences, but I wouldn’t get used to it.
I drink one or two beers every day for a long time in the summer barbecue period, but at some point I don’t feel so fit and I feel so bad and uncomfortable. And that it will be better once I get back to soft drinks while grilling.
Isn’t a real knowledge only of my own experience and partly what I had read so much about it, as I had already asked myself this question during the summer months.
I wouldn’t be accustomed to drinking every day, nor smaller quantities. Only from own experience.
The opinions sometimes go apart.
I’d ask a doctor for trouble.
In my case, I just listened to my own body.
From a medical point of view. The amounts of alcohol, which the healthy adult body sustains, are relatively low. More about this → consumption/