Ist das zu viel?
Ich bin 13 Jahre alt ist das für mein mittag zu viel (will nicht zunehmen)
Unter den 3 Oliven liegt auch noch eine nudel
Ich bin 13 Jahre alt ist das für mein mittag zu viel (will nicht zunehmen)
Unter den 3 Oliven liegt auch noch eine nudel
ich mache es nicht betend aber in Gedanken bedanke mich oft fürs essen weil es eigentlich nicht selbstverständlich ist und weiss das viele das nicht haben.
Kann man zunehmen?
Hallo.. Habe seit einem Jahr gut abgenommen ( ca 18 KG). Mein Bauch ist auch deutlich flacher geworden, aber was mich stört ist meine Seite ( Hüfte). Sie ist immer noch zu dick. Wie schaffe ich es da abzunehmen?
Hallo wer von euch hat Erfahrung bezüglich Gewicht nach Entfernung der Schilddrüse ? viele sagen mir das man extrem zunimmt … jetzt hab ich Angst vor meiner Op 🙈🙈🙈 Lg Silke
Wie viel sollte man mit 16 Jahren männlich mit der Grösse 184 wiegen?
So if you keep going, you’ll die! That’s too little, that’s not enough for a hamster. So the 50-60kcal are high, of which 10% still go off because it has to be digested, that’s nothing.
Anorexie Nervosia greets. That’s magic and you seem to have guaranteed it, or you have absolutely no idea what a real meal is. This isn’t even an approach to breakfast, not even a snack. That’s so little, you don’t even need to wear it because the inaccuracy would balance it.
Get in treatment and help.
Just like that, under 1800-2000kcal there’s nothing going on with you. So you can eat at least 30 times as much, more than 50-60 times as much!
I think you eat too little. I want you to eat until you’re tired. You can take at least 1500 to 1800 calories without taking. You are in growth and your organs and your brain needs the calories. You can get very sick. You will grow very much, so the chance you take too much even if you eat 3 x so much is extremely low. You’ll be in puberty soon. Your body will change and this is good and if you eat too little it can be that you will be very unhappy and you will fall into a sickly underweight. It doesn’t matter if you’re thick or thin, but it’s important that you’re healthy.
It’s good that you said that with the noodle. 🙄
For a greeting from the kitchen, in front of the main dish, it is sufficient.
Otherwise, you probably know that this is far too little.
Would consider eating disorder. So now the first ones already need instructions for successful food intake. What’s next? The seminar? Breathing workshop? Straight out for beginners? Oh, man…
I think I’m bad to get rid of this, she’s probably suffering from a disturbed perception.
Right. And then you have the internet and mobile phone, and still find no BMI chart that degenerates your own pathological condition. As far as school, media literacy and all that matters.
The good old Anorexia 🙂
Ne is too little
That’s it. Internet makes it disturbed. Where is this going?
Looks like very little
Definitely too little!
I’m sure you can make light food.
If you continue to do this, you will not die, but surely become “incurable” ill, do you really want that?
That’s hardly enough for an ant.
This is too little for a meal
No. Too little.
It’s okay if you eat 15 (!) portions of it!
Oh, WOW a whole noodle.
This is far too little for a toddler who just starts eating. (I’m going out of the calories, olives wouldn’t be so small.
But go on, then the coffin straps are easier
Much too much
Magersucht, isn’t it?