Ist das wirklich so?
Also laut tiktok ist es ein neues kreatives Kunstwerk wenn ich ein Video das ich hochladen kreativ verändere. Wenn ich dies nicht tu verstoße ich automatisch gesendeten Richtlinien. Ist das wirklich so das es dann ein eigenes kreatives Kunstwerk ist wenn man an dem video ein bisschen was ändert?
Any processing (also alienation) of a protected work requires the consent of the author. There are exceptions, for example, if you don’t recognize the original work (and you created a new creative work) or if you change it for a parody.
Just because TikTok claims something else, it does not mean that they apply German law correctly.
The mere changing of a video does not automatically make it a new creative work of art. It depends on how significant and original the changes are. TikTok has guidelines against copyright infringement, so you should ensure that edited videos are independent enough to not be considered a copy. Read the TikTok guidelines to ensure that your content meets the requirements.
A foreign platform cannot “absorb” applicable law. You always have to adhere to the laws of your own country and, if necessary, in addition the guidelines of the platform.
No, of course not.