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Geht ihr gerne in Fastfood Läden und wenn ja welche? Danke schon mal für die Antworten🙃
Was mögt ihr lieber?
Vollkornbrot oder Weißbrot Für mich definitiv Vollkorn
Kalorien Eingabe richtig?
Hey bei uns gab es heute etwas schnelles von Maggi zuessen und ich zähle halt Kalorien und hab barcodr gescannt damit ich das richtige Tracke aber man kocht zu dem Essen halt noch Reis dazu und bei YAZIO wird angezeigt eine Portion von 351 hat 344 kcal und meine Frage jetzt is der Reis da…
No one seems to have a real idea here.
No food is in itself good or bad, it always depends on the ratio of macronutrients, vitamins, fiber, fats and sugar spread over the day.
When we look at the nutritional values, we see that we have a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Let’s look more closely, let’s see that the food has a fairly high amount of fats, of which, however, only 25% are saturated (these are the more unhealthy). Sugar is hardly contained in this product.
The only things that could be disputed in this product would be the high proportion of saturated fats and the presumably low micronutrients density, as well as the low proportion of fiber and secondary plant materials, since this is a highly processed food. However, if you eat fruit and vegetables and make sure that you don’t get over 30g of saturated fats a day permanently, you can consume 100g of them daily.
It shouldn’t be healthy. It should only be healthier than Nutella and Co. And that’s it, so purpose is fulfilled.
A sportsman doesn’t put this into the diet. But as a small cheat to get something and in comparison to what other people can so enjoy absolutely fine 👌🏻
Compared to other sweets. I would neglect the protein there because it should not be consumed by masses. But there’s hardly any sugar in there.
The ingredients list does not look so bad, except for the aroma, and I would choose one without aroma.
It’s neither healthy nor unhealthy. You won’t eat it in large quantities. It’s probably too expensive. I don’t know what this is? Is that bread spread?
If you eat a slice of bread with sausage or cheese, you have the same. Or a cup of Jogurt.
Yes is a Nutella alternative
I don’t know why everyone talks about much sugar, that’s only 2.3g per 100g. That’s nix. It shouldn’t be healthy. But not as healthy as unprocessed food.
Lg ThexSun
Is still worth a sweetness but with good protein.Also if you have a pleasure on this as a “better” substitute, but not healthier.
BESSER as a chocolate bun??
From taste probably not
Depends on the daily amount and the further diet.
Or how did my grandpa say: Every mushroom is edible – make only 1x
A highly processed food…
They should stay where they are offered. On the shelf.
Better is if you want a lot of protein: legumes, magerquark, chicken meat, among others.
Better always prepare yourself. You know what’s in there.
Neither would I say. It is more or less functional food and serves to supply higher protein amounts.
In any case, the small proportion of sugar is positive.
Sugar is never healthy my friend
just 2,3???
Damit etwas gesund ist sollte gar kein industrieller Zucker vorhanden sein
This is lactose. According to the list of ingredients no sugar additive, so the place must be. For dairy products, therefore, I type lactose, especially since it has an abductive effect and is warned against excessive consumption.
Aber da ist auch Süßungsmittel enthalten
Oh, okay. Thanks for the correction (:
Your argument was “sugar is never healthy” – only unfortunately this was not true to the product.
That’s not healthy.
Yes, a sugar alcohol which is taken as a substitute for sugar. No sugar.
zuviel gesättigte fettsäuren drin
Nicht unbedingt. Bis 30g am Tag sind gesundheitlich unbedenklich, und eine gewisse Menge an gesättigten Fetten ist auch gesund. Wenn der Fragesteller jeden Tag 50g davon isst, was für 3 Brötchen reicht, dann sind das gerade einmal 4g gesättigte Fette, das ist vollkommen im Rahmen