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As with many in life there is good and evil!
These are noble molds that should not be confused with traditional mold on bread, etc.
Schimmel is sooo versatile. For example, penicillin is also obtained from a certain mold.
Is Champignon also 1 mold?
No, the champignon is not a mold. Neither as the yeast mushroom is a mold.
All mushrooms consist of spores. There are probably several million different varieties. Some people can eat, some are poisonous. Like in real life.
Because this is an edible noble mold and gives the cheese the aroma and consistency.
If I look at your Bavarian white painter, I’m not sure if it’s really enjoyable.
Not the reputation, but the smell, at best, makes doubts about the enjoyability of this speciality that is indispensable for Kässpatzen.
It’s not Bavaria, it’s Allgäu. Bavaria is very differentiated
Don’t everyone like it.
Grade from Bayerisch Schwaben (Allgäu) comes so much cheese.
It’s good to come from the Swabian. This is no longer Bavaria 🤣
What is too much is too much!!😜
Because it tastes, the mold is harmless and important and desirable for camembert or brine production.
Yeah, that’s mold. But this mold can be eaten as it is a good mold.
You shouldn’t eat bad mold. But the good mold is harmless.
LG Zitro 🍋
LG Ultraturk 🦸
Cheese is fermented milk.
Honey is bee cot.
Forest honey is the kaka of lice and that eats the bees and throws it out later.
Don’t worry about what we eat…
A mushroom, yes. It’s called the noble sky.
as you can enjoy some mushrooms.
you eat it because it tastes extremely good.
Because it tastes.
Here, look what your Turks eat
Do not understand a single word
A “Ultraturk” evolves in front of mold on the cheese, but such cheese is also available in Turkish cuisine.
Then Brie 👍😁.