Ist das wechseln einer Währung hier möglich?
Bei uns in der Nähe ist eine ganz normale Reifeisen Bank . Kann man dort von Euro in Kanadische Dollar oder allgemein andere Währungen umwechseln? Oder muss ich dafür in eine spezielle Bank wenn ja welche? (Lebe in Braunau am Inn Oberösterreich) Gäbe es Banken in meinem Bezirk oder Nähe wo dies mäglich wäre?
If your bank offers it at all – pay attention to costs – then it must be ordered; and some banks make it with postal mail, while others are on the switch.
It is simpler – and regularly also in stock – to find at all major airports and stations.
As a rule, your bank can exchange currencies, but you must order the currency beforehand.
You can also pick it up or you have to do it by post. How long does that take?
This varies depending on the bank. But usually you do that in the bank.
You should report on this as there are not varieties available in each branch.