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1 year ago

the question is not quite unjust. The Olbers paradox says for a static, infinite universe with a constant number of stars that the view in each direction should fall somewhere on a star surface, just as one sees trees in the forest, and that the sky should be everywhere as bright as the sun. However, it is not because the assumptions are not correct. The universe is not infinite in the past, but only a good 13 billion years, and it is not static, the light of the farthest stars is so far red-shifted that it is no longer in the visible area.

1 year ago

Yeah, you can say that. You look directly into the universe and where there are no bright stars, it is then just dark.

The fact that you look directly into the universe is that you can see strange galaxies there, for example.

1 year ago

No. The universe is not dark.

When I drive into the desert here in southern Africa, so that I have no stray light as far as possible, I see the universe with billions and billions of stars. I only realized here the first time why the Milky Way has this name. I see them here every night and this is a wonderful picture.

Dark is the absence of light. But in the universe are very many suns and light sources, it cannot be dark.

1 year ago


Because what you see during the day as a blue “heavy” is scattered light from the sunlight distributed in the air.

At night, without sun, there is no scattered light and the air is transparent.

As a result, you see the dark background of the universe.

1 year ago

Of course. And the earth belongs to it as well as sun and moon. All that exists is part of the universe. That’s what the name UNIVERSUM says.

1 year ago

Yeah, well. But the universe is also the light during the day. Just look better at it at night.

1 year ago

With the naked eye you can see a couple of thousand stars of our home galaxy. The universe is a bit bigger.

1 year ago

What else would it be?

If there is no light of our sun and no artificial light anymore, you will only see the many billion stars: the universe.

1 year ago

No, that’s dark, is heaven. The universe is the space by all being known to us. At night you can look much better into this room than the day.

1 year ago

We’re missing sunlight.