Ist das unfreundlich vom Kollegen oder übertreibe ich?
er hat mir was gezeigt an seinem Computer, suchend nach Hilfe. Ich habe es direkt gelesen mit einem Blick und als ich antworten wollte hat er mich unterbrochen mit „nein nein bis Ende lesen“
Habe ihm dann gesagt ja ich weiß und dann geholfen, was er machen soll.
Dieses Unterbrechen mit Versuch auf Besserwisser zu sein fand ich unfreundlich.
Übertreibe ich oder soll ich das Thema abhaken und nicht ansprechen?
You’re offering help. You don’t force them.
He must know better, but then he must give up your help.
So what to do?
Nix, ignoring,
Didn’t I write that down? Help yourself. I have something to do too.” You say that to him.
It would be rude if he turned you down. But then the question arises, why in such a case help me? Make it right next time. Fuck what happened.
Nevertheless, to touch his intention, “you told me to read by the end, but I’ve read it and you’re supposed to do it again”
Yeah, you’re right. I keep working on my stroke.
But it must be said that I only need them with people who are known to be rude. All other colleagues are normal
What do you want after that? It’s a working mate. To poison the climate? Counting it only does if you do it at the moment of the incident.
I mean to the incident. Don’t talk later?
Take it as a compliment. He would never have thought that someone could read this in such a short time and then understand it.
No, I mean, that’s not as bad and insulting as you understood. Unfortunately, many people in the world are not polite, you should take it relaxed. Also he couldn’t notice anything at that time or be a little tired. All people are not robots and can have their peculiarities that can change from time to time.
I used to namme everything too seriously and important and that just destroyed my mood. Most people just think about themselves and for them the world is much easier because they almost forget all things that do not disturb.
It would also annoy me, but just ignore it
But, of course, it would also be annoyed.
Yeah, you’re exaggerating.
His “crisis” was to underestimate your reading speed. You put it out to him as incompatibility and better-being. It smells like feminist propaganda.
I like to take your criticism
You exaggerate a bit
Find his objection.
Read everything first, then comment on it.
read everything but he thinks I didn’t read it and I’d be slow like the