Ist das übergewichtig?
Ich habe gerade mein Gewicht in einen BMI Rechner eingegeben:
Weiblich => 16 Jahre => ca. 164cm => ca. 63 kg
Dieser hat angezeigt das ich übergewichtig bin.
Ist dies wirklich der Fall? Mir ist bewusst, dass ich etwas zugenommen habe aber ich dachte es wäre in der Norm.
The BMI computer is inaccurate and uses a wrong potency.
Seen mathematically, the BMI is composed of a wrong formula. The weight of a body is proportional to the cubic of height. The BMI now uses a potency of 2, instead of 3.
However, since man is not a cube, the potency should be 2.5 and neither 3, nor even 2.
After a correct BMI with the potency of 2.5 you are in normal weight, but at the border. Bear in mind that you are also relatively small, which means that despite the low number of scales, you can be in excess weight, because your body surface is smaller and cannot spread as much fat as for example at 184cm / 83 kg.
BMI is more complete because it does not even take into account the factor of body fat percentage, just look into the mirror then you see if you are overweight or not. 63kg to 1.64 does not sound so much in my opinion.
Here is a test for you whether everything is in the green area with you.
The weight alone is not necessarily meaningful. It’s much more like that. If you have a little more muscle, you can enter the BMI right into the ton.
No, that’s not overweight. Good healthy weight, you are probably a little curvy as it is ideal for a young woman.
I would say everything normal
The BMI is only a very rough reference value. We must not pay too much attention to this.
Are you doing sports?
Yes regular
Depends on the muscle content.
Much.quatsch ..denke alles gut😊
No you have no overweight
It’s okay.
Don’t go crazy and don’t move.
Then you have to rethink. The BMI computer only returns the facts.
So what? 63 kg at 164 cm is okay. Just because someone is not a line in the landscape, he or she is not overweight yet.
This is your personal opinion. The medicine looks different. A low overweight is also not really extremely harmful, but it is overweight anyway. It becomes really critical if one exceeds the obesity range and unfortunately many do this over time because they do not have sufficient discipline to keep their weight in an acceptable range.
However, the BMI does not consider whether the weight originates from muscles or from fatty tissue.
He’s still a useful point of reference. That’s what doctors see.
The BMI is outdated. Even physicians don’t use it anymore. And the Bundeswehr isn’t in the pattern.
Think about your choice. I’m not saying the person is too fat. I simply say the truth that the FS itself has already seen, as it itself has expected.
Yes, a photo proves more than a scientific-based statement? You want me to talk to you?
By the way, one can also have too much fat as a standard weight. Besides, we haven’t had the discussion before? Terms such as visceral fat play an important role. In other words, the fat distribution in the body also plays an important role.
Lightly overweight in the existing scope means that you should be careful and should not increase further, no more.
If you keep saying that you are too fat, even though it is not true, this also leads to an unrealistic idea.
Can you judge if she feeds unhealthy.
TheBMIdoes not consider whether the measured weight originates from muscle or fat.
Besides, you could only judge if she had something too much on the ribs if she had set a photo of herself.
I’m not talking to anyone. The fact is, it is light overweight and you should name it. From slightly overweight teenagers are often really thick adults. Especially because they did not learn from home to feed themselves healthy and balanced and use food for frustration.
At a time when there are too many overweight people, you should finally get that and not beautify.
That’s what I’m saying as a stupid deadbeat argument, because mager addiction has other causes. Especially in unrealistic ideas of a normal body.
That was just an example that a higher BMI doesn’t always mean someone was too fat.
But telling the girl that she weighs too much is just too irresponsible of you. (What are 2 kg too much? They can now really get through some muscle mass.)
Precisely through such a chat, some girls may be pushed into a eating disorder or a magical addiction.
To be honest, be glad you’re healthy.
There are really people who increase through a disease. And this is really not a stupid excuse.
In addition, how do you want to know if there are relatively many muscles for a girl?
And mot 18 it would be normal weight so totally stupid to talk about it now that it is too easy to keep bad
What is this nonsensical example? People like Arni should not be valued with the usual standards for Otto Normalo, just because of the enormous muscle mass, should be clear.
The argument to throw into a thread of a 16 year old shows only that someone has no meaningful arguments. I don’t know 16 years old that makes bodybuilding in a scale that puts the classic rules out of force on a scientific basis.
That’s a lot to say, but the least it’s true.
What is overweight? 2 kg above the highest value for young people aged. And because so low, not really bad. Shouldn’t be more and more. Normal range would be 48-61 kg.
I’ve been overweight for my whole life. But have a lot of sisziplin, only bad genes. But also objectively considered 63 kg at 164 cm, what is overweight?
For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger had a BMI of 30.
Most physicians now use other methods.
If the weight comes from muscles rather than fatty tissue, a slightly higher BMI is not an overweight for a long time.