ist das so richtig?


Ich hatte heute Deutschtest mit dem Fokus auf die Literatur und Grammatik.

Wir mussten einen Satz in alle sechs Zriten übertragen.

Das Ding ist, dass ich es so geschrieben habe.

Präsens: Zb. Der Mann geht gerade nach Hause, um etwas zu essen.

Präteritum: Der Man ging …….. zu essen.

Ist das richtig so oder hätte ich den ganzen Satz schreiben müssen, weil einmal habe ich ihn ja geschrieben, die Zeit ist ja auch verändert.

Danke im Voraus!! 🙂


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2 years ago


Normally, it should be as good as you wrote!


If your teacher is very exact and extremely sensitive:

Then I would definitely recommend to write it out:

Present: The man is just going home to eat something.

Preterior or Imperfect: The man went home to eat something!

I once had a very sensitive German teacher at school, who made me a mistake with a similar abbreviation!

If you want to go to number:

Then write everything completely!

Best regards and a great weekend


2 years ago

Such questions are asked to his classmates, or even better to his German teacher, and not to users in a forum who do not know what the exact task was and who cannot guess what the teacher expects.

2 years ago

I don’t know how your teacher will evaluate it, but in itself it’s completely right. The times are correct and the side-set can basically be omitted because you have changed the time form from the verb “go” and that’s what matters.