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2 months ago

We have run the “Schlagerboom 2025” with silver irons in the ARD, as some things already look like playback, for example before “Lampenfieber” by Gitte Haenning with original arrangement of 1983. This is probably the easiest, even technically. The show is live, but the music comes partly from the band. But think that, for example, Andy Borg and Andrea Berg as well as Bernhard Brink sang at least live, that sounded anyway.

2 months ago
Reply to  rotesand

The show is live, but the music comes partly from the band.

Yes, some artists have at least half-playback, if not full-playback. Many artists do that because their fans want to listen to the music, but in exactly the same arrangement as in the studio recording (and therefore I don’t mean the voice, but other things, such as repetitions of text lines or certain phrases). In addition, technical breakdowns such as falling micros or so are logically avoided.

However, Brings were with their instruments on stage and also silver iron with his accordion. The drones also had their instruments.

From the Kelly Familiy I know that they always play their instruments in the shows of silver iron live without a playback in the background, so I think the same at Brings & the drones.

2 months ago
Reply to  Lennis130

Brings were great, that’s right. Olaf der Flipper might have been playback. I still think he’s great and he’s totally sympathetic.

2 months ago

If you mean the songs, it’s playback. It is made to minimize errors, ejectors, breakdowns etc. Furthermore, it would be another technical effort to let all live sing

2 months ago

So the New Year’s Beater Boom in the First is absolutely live. Gives the note next to the logo.

2 months ago
Reply to  Blaumeise2022

It depends on the songs. Some artists have full playback, some half playback, some play live.

Especially with bands standing on stage with their instruments, you can assume that they are likely to play live.

But I can’t tell you anything concrete about the ZDF as I look at ARD.