Ist das Schwarzfahren?
Ich fahre bald nach Bremen mit dem ICE630 das ist eine Doppeltraktion wo vorne der ICE 680 nach Hamburg-Altona dran hängt. Ich habe in der Fahrkarte ICE 630 drinne stehen aber was ist wenn ich ausversehen in den ICE 680 einsteige der Gekoppelt ist
Wäre das schwarzfahren?
(Super Sparpreis)
No, that’s not a problem, as seen in terms of tariff, both parts drive to Hanover both as ICE 630 and as ICE 680. You just have to change the train part in time at one of the stops.
Of course. What else?
Haha, okay. Is so to speak the same train only other pull part xD
The train is irrelevant. The distance covered costs a different amount.
This is so wrong
Of course this is correct. Both trains are combined from Munich to Hannover
That’s correct.
No sorry was a mistake
You misunderstood me. I dont care.
@BLAEKK addressed:
This is not correct, it is not black driving when you travel in the “wrong” train.
You can drive in the “wrong” train when you get out before the wing or, if you want to get out after the wing, you can change the train in time. It doesn’t matter which of the train parts is on the ticket…
Driving the same route to Hannover
If you continue in the wrong part after the winging, yes.
You didn’t pay for the route…
If you get out of the wings, it doesn’t matter what train you’re driving…
It doesn’t matter which of the train parts is on the ticket…
You can also only drive in the “wrong” train part and then change to the “right”… (The best before winging xD)
LG and I hope I could help you and good ride!
Until Hanover, it’s not a problem… However, as the train is divided into Hanover and the 680 continues to Hamburg and only the 630 continues to Bremen, you have to change to the right train in Hanover at the latest
Theoretically yes, if the second pull part moves under another number, as you have a pull binding for exactly this train by the super-spar price. Practically, you would probably just be kindly advised to change the train part in time until Hanover