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Not at all. Then you won’t have to brush your teeth. If the roots eat out, nothing hurts. In the Middle Ages it was so common anyway. You don’t have to join this modern stuff. It’s your body. You can maintain it or not. If you care about your body as in the Middle Ages, you also have a quality of life and a life expectancy as in the Middle Ages. But that’s not bad at all.
It is necessary to calculate that caries are more common and you should often become a dentist. I also brush the teeth only 1-2 times a week.
Not for 7 days
I brush my teeth 14 times a week. My dentist has little to do.
How often do you do that?
1 month or 2
Yeah, definitely you’re not doing anything good with it.
2 times a day is a must!
At least 1 times a day thorough is a must!
Two times. In the morning to eliminate the “waste” and in the evening, bacteria do not have food overnight.
And in addition, your mouth smell should be very deterrent…
2 times would be desirable, 1 times is the must.
Putz before it doesn’t get too late
Yeah, that’s bad. On the one hand, for your teeth and on the other hand for your environment, as you will probably have a frightening mouth odor.
The teeth suffer, caries, paradontitis come and people keep distance because of the mouth odor.
Yes and disgusting.
Teeth is overrated… I miss the words…