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Do you feel bad?
Currently, for example, I wear a pink tight 2 piece K-Way rain suit and above it a black, shiny little ski jacket. nothing else. it makes me fun and I enjoy it.
If something is bad about it, if it’s your sister’s stuff and she doesn’t agree with it, or if you don’t have anyone to share your passion.
who would that be bad for? You can dress what you want, I even have great understanding for you that you like the clothes from the so-called “Damen Department” better, but with this opinion I belong more to a minority, and it can come for you to complications (mobbing), depending on how your environment looks like this.
No. You see it with girls and you might like to wear it out of curiosity or because you find it exciting.
You can also wear the dress at school that is a garment that everyone can wear who he feels comfortable.
Yeah, because it means you don’t feel comfortable at school. Otherwise you’d run around with the same clothes and your reputation wouldn’t matter.
No’s not bad.
No, why. I’m sure there are many girls who move after school.
I’m a boy
I don’t know.
is a fetish