Ist das schlimm?
Seit 2 Tagen/morgen 3 bin ich Corona negativ.Ich fühle mich perfekt und gut.Ich habe während der Erkrankung mich auch die ganze Zeit erholt.
Ich war heute im Schwimmbad und bin damit auch mit dem Fahrrad hingefahren.
Kriege ich eine Herzmuskelentzündung?
Each infect should be fully cured, otherwise the risk of myocarditis increases. If you are completely symptom-free, there is usually no risk of sports activities.
Info! The symptoms of myocarditis are unspecific > fever, cardiac disorders etc., or asymptomatic.
Diagnostics! Anamnese, physical examination, rest EKG, echo, control of various laboratory parameters, with focus on heart enzymes, 24 hours long-term EKG.
So I did this yesterday because I felt completely good again.Only my neck is still a bit irritated by the infection, which is why I sometimes still have such a cough irritation.More not,and I feel completely healthy.Have I felt even inner when I was sick,because it was so dazzling (except head pressure at the beginning and neck pain and running nose).
Thanks for the answer,
Is that okay with slightly irritated neck?
if you feel fit again I don’t think
but if there should be problems (which can also drive without the road) then you should still go to the doctor
LG :
Yes allso I feel dazzling and as before the disease-only my neck is a little bit irritated
then usually nothing should happen
If you don’t feel good, no
Yes Solo I feel dazzling-only my neck is still a little bit irritated by the infection,more not.
If you are healthy, there is no increased risk.
So yes negative I am and feel very good I also do, only my neck is a bit irritated by the infection