Ist das schädlich, wenn man 4 Brezeln am Tag isst?
Hallo, ich mache das nicht ständig, nur heute wollte ich mir nichts großartig warm machen deshalb hatte ich mir Brezeln gekauft. Sind denn so viele Brezeln über den Tag verteilt arg schädlich?
Danke im vorraus!
Bullshit. Of course, not the most nutrient-rich food for your body, but if it’s going like that on a day, it’s not bad.
Okay, thanks.
You’ll survive. It’s not great, but sometimes it’s like that when it’s not different.
Thank you for your answer. I was just insecure because I had read somewhere that too much sucks would be harmful.
It’s not good every day.
No, that’s true, but I thought it was a good idea.
It’s not bad for a day.
Single-sided diet is always bad.
It’s just like this today.
Oh, don’t do it every day. 🙂
No, fortunately not, I was just insecure because I once read that too much suck would be harmful.
Yes for a long time, maybe. So I don’t know, the worst if there’s a stomachache or clogging, but I don’t think so.
Oh, okay, thanks for your answer.
I don’t know what would be harmful to it.
I had stopped somewhere that was too many sprinklers wouldn’t be good so I’d rather ask.
If you have concerns about the salt – you can scrape it off.
Okay then I’m calmed down thanks for your answer.
No problem.
Yeah, anyway, and what about Lauge?
Of course, I don’t hope that’s an exception today.
If it tastes with fresh vegetables e.g.
Go on
I’ll make fresh cheese on it.