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1 year ago

Action and crime have no gender in English. If we translate both words into German, we have a word in the feminum and one in the neutrum:

  • the action = the Action/action
  • the crime = the Crime

This doesn’t matter for the title. The adjective “the best” is big. It is therefore a subjective adjectivewhich stands for itself alone and is not an adjective to “action” or “crime”. It means as much as:

  • The Best on Action and Crime
1 year ago
Reply to  spanferkel14

“crime” can be translated as crime (neutrum) as well as crime (feminin) or crime (feminin).

And no, the “Best” is not substantive here, as it refers to “Action&Crime”. It’s a spelling mistake.

1 year ago

I do not deny that crime has several (relative) meanings, but m. E. fits in a crime with “handling” in the sense of “what happens. / There’s something going on.” Which criminal fan are already interested in any (maybe small) crimes? Ne, Mord & Deadschlag is in demand and not a simple handbag claw.

To “the best”: Sure, it can be that the writer made this page a spelling error. Today, even in some serious newspapers Hornochsen are sitting in the editors. In order to be able to decide clearly whether “the B/beste” here is an adjective to the words Action & Crime or not, one should see the column in its presentation (colors, distances etc.). But I guess in favor of the writer that he knew what he was doing when he decided to go for the grandchild. 😉

1 year ago

Ne it was written as I wrote it up

Well, if I look at your character setting and also your small and large writing in your text, I have my doubts. I would like to see the Best Action&Crime text in the original. If it is to be an adjective to “Action&Crime”, it must of course be written down.

The article “that” can remain, however, because it is probably about the program, for example: Craction, the best Action&Crime program. The name “Cr(ime)action” suggests that there are probably only crime and action series.

1 year ago

In my answer, I have already Preparatory action inserted.

Maybe there’s a double point in the original that the FS just didn’t write. You know, GF users don’t take it exactly. Best: Action & Crime.

1 year ago

If it is to be a noun, however, the particle “an” is necessary (in the first instance, the sentence would have two subjects, which is not possible). In any case, the sentence is wrong, so I assume that “best” was intended as an adjective.

1 year ago

“That” refers to “Best”. ^^