Ist das Rauchen von Tabak ein Schrei nach Hilfe?
Ich sehe überall Menschen die Rauchen, die unglücklich sind und im Rauch einen Hilferuf. Diese Unzufriedenheit die dadurch ausgestrahlt wird, das nicht Fertigwerden mit Problemen. Es wird vorgetäuscht Rauchen sei ein Genuss, um die Peinlichkeiten zu verstecken die man gar nicht verstecken kann. Und dabei reiten sie sich in ein noch viel schlimmeres Übel, was total ironisch ist. Wie nehmt ihr das war?
It is a sign of weakness, a addiction, a detention of a glimpse a suicide on rates.
So my smoke is not a symbol of my problems, and I look dissatisfied because I’m not going to finish anything.
With you something goes through the imagination, maybe you’re afraid of reality with their problems, and therefore you’re fleeing into a fantasy world
Can I ask what you’re not gonna do?
Well, smoking is a addiction. And also acts like that as regards happiness….
But that doesn’t stop insane, and yet people don’t stop. Is there also people who have overcome much worse dependencies and have remained with tobacco
That’s the problem with a addiction. You know that you do something wrong but continue…. Believe me, so easy is stop. Got it with Alk….
The will plays in the head. At the moment you went to the clinic, I think your will was strong enough to really take a withdrawal. I think that’s pretty much what I called.
God also gave me LSD derivatives to make my withdrawal, and that was really not as hard as it could have been. Whoever wants help can get it, it’s just a question whether you can grab the helping hand or not.
I’ve been trying for a long time, only my head didn’t play. And a addiction is a headache first. Needed help in a clinic.
I consumed fully synthetic cannabinoids. If you knew how strong the addicts do. I speak from my own experience, had even an initial alcohol dependence, have consumed half-synthetic cannabinoids for a long time a day, was itself tobacco addiction and I came off from all the points where all my cells were conclusive that I wanted to get rid of something. When you didn’t get rid of deprivations, you really wanted to stop with alcohol, or did you not get a bit of self-deception? If I think about how I’ve become relapsed, I can see that somehow I didn’t want to stop. Because if I had wanted to stop my relapses, I would have had no relapses.
You’re totally wrong! As you can see my comments, I am a dry alcoholic. And I made the jump eleven years ago. And from experience I tell you: this is not so easy! Believe me…
If you want to stop, you can stop. If you think you want to stop, and you don’t get it, you don’t have the full wish to stop. Then you keep yourself from it, I think.
Smoking is more a sign of weakness. That’s what you do, because you find the wrong things cool, the wrong role models have, and you’re undermining group constraints.
This answer has become so standard and yet it is largely wrong. Many start smoking not because of groups compulsion, but often because of problems, such as stress in school, or problems at home and most smokers just want to escape from reality, just like drug addicts, including alcoholics
I think it’s more a search for happiness like a escape from reality, because nicotine does not really have a consciousness-changing effect, but in itself I really find your comment very conclusive.
When I started with cannabis, I had also tried to escape reality and so I would depend and have to fight against addiction until today