Ist das psychische Gewalt?

Wenn jemand mit aller Macht versucht dich von seiner Meinung zu überzeugen, zu sagen die Erde ist ne Scheibe und das dann veranschaulicht indem er sagt der horizont ist ja flach also ist die Erde ne Scheibe und dir keinen Freiraum gibt ne eigene Meinung zu bilden mehrm

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6 months ago

No, that’s not psychic violence, but immeasurable stupidity.

You don’t have to listen to anyone. You can go or interrupt him or say your own opinion.

You have to stand up for your interests.

Flat eagle should be left. It’s not really worth talking.

6 months ago

Marine violence would be to say, “If you don’t see that the world is a pane, I don’t love you anymore.”


6 months ago
Reply to  Thatgirl879

I understand what is meant. Nevertheless, I lack the idea of being “managed”.

On the other hand, if one approaches the concept of injury, it is also worth bringing about discomfort and irritation.

I think there should be lawyers, not psychologists.

6 months ago

The person tries to say her opinion very penetrantly, but I would say with psychic violence it has less to do.

If he becomes insulting or very declining, then more likely.

But you don’t have to listen to the person or take their opinion, you can steer the conversation so that it ends at some point

Daniela Graf
6 months ago

Under psychic violence everything is suitable for destroying and/or damaging your soul/spirit in the long term.

As a rule, the perpetrators also have exactly this goal – and not to convince you “only” of their opinion.

Just having a different opinion has nothing to do with it.

… differently, for example

  • If you are being pampered and insulted because of your opinion.
  • You are isolated in any way (social).
  • your opinion is used in a call-damaging manner


I don’t see anything about this.

-> depending on how to define “with all power”.

e.g. that would give you daily

  • 100 messages write
  • 10 times your ring
  • and make night calls

To convince you, it would be mental violence again.

Important – as with all forms of violence is that you clear your borders and care for you and seek assistance in case of emergency.



6 months ago

No. Except he ties you for it and runs brainwashing. Otherwise, everyone has the freedom to stop the conversation and/or simply to go.

6 months ago
