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MPU Drogentest?
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Ab wann kann man etwas eine Sucht nennen?
Zum Beispiel ab wann man zu viel raucht oder zu viel Energy trinkt
Js is. And that in Bavaria, where at the same time the furthest drug addicts rule. Pure double mortal
Depends on what you mean “drug”. Some of them mean, for example, explicit and exclusively illegal enlarging substances. I personally see this rather as described here →
I think that this is quite a big drug event. One of the largest, if not even the largest in the world. Last year there were about 5.7 million visitors, for which about 5.6 million beer were given. Such a measure is sufficient to bring about the typical psychoactive effects of ethanol in a relatively pronounced form. Not to talk about the other alcoholics…
Source of figures: sheet-2022
If you count alcohol to drugs, maybe, yes. But also every shooter’s party and every Kirmes would have to be counted. And there are also enough families who enjoy the Oktoberfest (or other similar festivals) without alcohol. So it’s not just a drug event.
That can almost say about every folk festival. So if you count alcohol.
I think that the meadows are already part of the folk festivals where the alcohol consumption is quite problematic.
Yes, it is. And unlike cannabis parties festivals or anything else. You like to have deaths there. Drug is drug. Salt and sugar. Can make everything dependent and change that. All drugs!
It’s not just hypothetical.
You can say that