Ist das okey, ich trinke jeden Tag 6l Wasser um schön zu sein?
Muss immer viel trinken um die Giftstoffe auszuscheiden.
Muss immer viel trinken um die Giftstoffe auszuscheiden.
Wenn es geschlossen ist und es nur in der Küche war?
Wir haben in unseren verschlossenen, nachgefüllten minzbonbons so komische Fäden drin. Weiß jrmand was das sein könnte? Ist das Schimmel?
No, you’re not getting any better. this quantity is already critical in the border area. Your previous question with the enormous amount of tablets and supplements: It’s NOT healthy. It is a good idea, if you’ve already expressed so much, to invest time for food education and its benefits.
This is insane and even dangerous, because you also swam out many important substances from the body, not least salt.
And it can become life-threatening. Some of them have died of salt deficiency and as a result of shattering brains.
Just drink for thirst, that’s the healthiest! I wonder why so often it is not easy to look at the natural body signals!
Hello Cymbeline18👋
Far from okay.
Your body is already good at getting rid of toxins and wastes, it has a filter system, you put your body under water, where should this all go, your body can’t even use what you’re doing in it. Follow your action:
The recommended amount of water is 1.5-2 liters if it is called outside is also 2.5 or you have moved excessively.
Since when you’ve been drinking so much water. Bullshit. Either you’re beautiful or not.
And 6 L of water a day are definitely too much.
Water supply computer: So much water should you drink the day
Is that what makes toxic substances excreted? As much as I know, not. But minerals are excreted, which are then missing.
Drinking 6l water per day is even more unhealthy! More: You can poison yourself with water – and depending on the overdose, this can even become life-threatening.
Because you not only precipitate “gift substances”, but also important electrolytes for the body.
In our widths, depending on the season with a water consumption of 2-3 liters/day, you should be absolutely in the green area!.
You don’t have to 😉
That’s not “okey”, it’s definitely too much.
It doesn’t hurt – but you won’t be nice either. And who knows how many toxins you take with the water…
No, that’s too much you’re floating too many minerals
that is much too vieeeel!!!!! you need to drink water adjusted to your body weight. zb at 50 kilos about 1.5 liter
Just drink for thirsty!
I said about that. what I have said is more related to how much you drink SOLLTE or an approximate healthy daily amount
Yeah, I gave you a like. I think you just wanted to give a rough set, but there are many people who take it extremely accurately and if they have more thirst, still only drink 1.5 liters at 50 kg and no more. Because we are all different and have a slightly different water requirement!
Too much water can also hurt! please keep informed
Do as you mean.
4.5 liters too much. It’s unhealthy.