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Woher kommt Schluckauf?
Wie entsteht Schluckauf? Mich nervt es immer enorm…Mich würde einfach mal interessieren, was ihn auslöst.
If you only have headaches, which you also know in principle from earlier, you certainly do not need any further diagnostics. At headaches you have to take a painkiller like ibuprofen. And drink enough. Nothing.
Well, I’m sure you’re not going to do a CT for someone who has no acute complaints.
Schwindel can also easily come from the current weather.
I just have headaches and nausea and dizziness I no longer have
If you have complaints, go. If not, then not.
Pretty gloomy future.
And as long as nothing is out of headache
I can’t look into the future. If you flip over, you know.
Is that okay if you don’t go to control headaches but if nausea and dizziness is gone
If you have complaints, go. If not, then not.
I just have headaches and nausea and dizziness I no longer have