Ist das okay oder schlimm?
Ich habe gestern Geburtstag gehabt und habe mir von meinen Eltern die neue Xbox series X gewünscht. Sie sagten mir, dass ich eine bekomme, nur meine anderen Verwandten haben mich ausgelacht, weil ich 25 geworden bin und noch Zuhause wohne und noch nie gearbeitet habe. Jetzt habe ich zu meinen Eltern gesagt, ich möchte sie nicht. Meine Verwandten haben mir den Spaß dran genommen. Ist das echt so schlimm sich mit 25 die neue Xbox von den Eltern zu wünschen?
Normally, it’s not.
In my opinion, it’s okay from parents to 25. Birthday to get a xBox gift, but I find it almost a bit rude to wish such a gift from his parents, especially if you don’t even work yourself.
If the parents just give it to you without asking you to do it exquisitely, it’s nice, but with 25 it’s clearly not normal to wish the parents gifts for their birthday as if they were a child.
I’ve never wished anything for my parents since I grew up. You always give me something you know I like it.
It’s bad that you’ve never worked with 25 years, you’re still living with your brother in a room, and you let your parents tell you everything.
Come on.
I’m an adult.
Only after age, otherwise not; your previous questions clearly show.
Bro your parents don’t live forever.
So hey I find zero bad, is mega cool that they give you ne xbox.
I don’t live at home anymore but my mum also asks me more often what I want to have given, because she just has no idea what to give me 🤣
But that never worked with is, of course, something skurril with 25.
Do you have any money at your disposal?
Maybe not, but why don’t you find a job and earn your own money? At 25 you should be more independent.
Let’s say, if you don’t work or study, it’s not quite normal.
That with the x box, okay, even adults can swing. is already an expensive thing such a part that you should buy yourself – what is only going on when you work
Well, honestly with 25 many others have their own home a firm job and have already fulfilled quite different things themselves.
I as a woman wouldn’t want to meet you, a mother-of-pear that I’m still pampering at home, and I don’t have my own job, and then I’m still making expensive gifts.
Is that so bad?
Nö, actually not, also worries adult men, but maybe you should look for a job and your own apartment