Ist das normal wenn einer deinen Hoden größer ist und das andere kleiner ist?
Jedes mal wenn ich an meine hoden Anschaue ist einer meine hoden größer als das andere
ich habe keine schmerzen an meinem hoden oder keine Schwellung garnichts.Ich habe angst das es schlimm sein kann wie zbs hodenkrebs
that a testicle is larger/smaller than the other is completely normal. In women, for example, there are usually differences in the size of their breasts. These are quite normal anatomical varieties. In some, one leg is minimally longer than the other. Or the one ear is a little bigger.
Don’t worry.
So it looks…
thank you but a question how to recognize testicular cancer
On the basis of swelling (contrary to a difference in size) or hardening are typical signs. In the event of any inconsistencies or presumptions, at any time visit a pediatrician at a minor or urologist/in.
thanks for your answer
Yeah, totally normal.
Is normal
Yeah, it’s normal. Brei women are also not the same size 🙂
It’s me too