Ist das normal Notaufnahme?

Ich war Anfang der Woche in der Notaufnahme abends. Es war total überfüllt. Nachdem ich mich angemeldet kam ich aber direkt dran. Die anderen beschwerten sich deshalb auch. Ist es normal in der Notaufnahme ohne Wartezeit behandelt zu werden, obwohl alles voll war?


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6 months ago

Daa depends on how urgent it is and whether the appropriate doctor is available. If you all need a surgeon and you need an HNO, you’ll logically get ahead of it because you’re “assisting” for another doctor.

6 months ago

There are two relevant things in the emergency room

A) Triage

B) various departments.

To a) roughly, the worse you’re going, the faster you get. Anyone who comes with a stroke will come up faster than someone who wants to clarify the long-standing headaches and keep the emergency uptake suitable for this.

And then it can happen that the person with headache waits very long.

(b) In a ZNA, various specialist departments are treated. This is particularly clear in the large maximum suppliers.

And if you come with a skin condition and the skin doctor is just available, you’ll get there. Maybe the patients who need a neurologist, surgeons or internists need to wait, though their condition may be more urgent. But the skin doctor wouldn’t bring them anything

I came to my last visit within 15 minutes. Large maximum provider. Well…2h later I was on IMC.

Patient next to me had cut his finger. He waited since 8:00 a.m. (it was afternoon). A) it was not so urgent with him and b) would have brought him “my” neurologist nix.

6 months ago

In the emergency room, the urgent cases are treated first. And whoever there are different disciplines can also have this to do with the people who later came to it sooner. People with a nasty stroke need to be treated rather than with an assault on the finger.

6 months ago

In the emergency room, it is usually so that the ones with the strongest pain or damage come first. After that, the milder puppies are only examined.

Did you have something bad?

6 months ago

Yeah, I think that’s one of the more serious cases.

6 months ago

That can happen.

I used to be in emergency medical practice with my brother on Sundays (this is also at the hospital).
There was also a man coming much later than us and coming up immediately.
But he also had stronger side effects of a drug.

So it depends on why you’re there.

6 months ago

Apparently, according to Triage standard, there was an emergency. I’m just going to go as an emergency if you were rough-headed why you could have told you more about how it happened.

6 months ago

Yeah, sure.

Depends on what you have. If it’s more urgent than the rest, you’ll be right there.

6 months ago

It always depends on the individual case / urgency.