Ist das normal ( Mutter)?

Und zwar bin ich in Therapie. Da ich Traumata verarbeiten muss. Laut dem Therapeuten ist es von der kinderheit. Unter anderem die Strenge von meinen Eltern früher sowie der Druck durch diese strenge.

Meine Mutter hat damit meine Jugend zur Hölle gemacht.

Jedoch merke ich jetzt mit Mitte 20, dass ihr das gar nicht so bewusst ist. Ist das normal, dass die Leute es nicht mal merken obwohl sie schuld daran sind.

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2 years ago

Totally normal.

One must always remember that people who do suboptimal things have probably never learnt it differently.

The father who beats his son was probably beaten by himself. He learned that violence is a legitimate means of dealing with his feelings instead of learning.

Most parents don’t mean it bad. So we should forgive and watch how we process our childhood and what to learn from it to make us and our potential children, as well as other acquaintances as pleasant as possible life.

2 years ago
Reply to  lovehiseyes

I don’t generalize. I deliberately wrote “most.” That was conscious;)

2 years ago

We now learn our behaviors from our environment. Probably something happened to her that triggered this behavior and she puts on a self-protection behavior that hurt you.

2 years ago

Yeah, that’s what happens. And if this becomes aware of some parents today, they don’t admit it, according to the motto, I just wanted the best for you. Well, you can’t choose your parents in life, unfortunately. (Your case).