Is this normal or can it be tolerated?
Hello, I'm 16 and I really want to get something off my chest…
My mother is really getting on my nerves at the last minute. She's always plying me with things, but not things like other mothers, no… If I take too long in the bathroom she says: Either you open the door straight away or I'll wait in your room and rummage around… No matter what I do, she's always angry with me. I broke my foot on Wednesday, spent most of Thursday downstairs on the ground floor, yesterday hardly at all and today I was in my room upstairs until 4 p.m. I came downstairs for the first time around 4 p.m. and was immediately told to go back upstairs (it's not easy with a broken foot) and then she said if I didn't go back to my room straight away then she'd go into my room… So I went back upstairs with my crutches.
But this kind of thing happens all the time; she's constantly threatening to invade my privacy. It feels incredibly toxic to me, but what do you think… 🙁
The threat of stealing in your room, if you need too long in the bathroom, sounds rather scary.
So that their threat goes into the void, you could remove everything that could be embarrassing or compromising from the room.
Or you’ll be in her bedroom.
I don’t care
That’s why I meant ‘kling’. She’s just trying to make sure you don’t want to make a self-satisfaction in the bathroom if it takes longer.
Puberty is when parents get weird…