Ist das normal bei Ritalin?
Hallo, ist es bei Ritalin normal wenn man es pulverriesiert durch die Nase nimmt dass es dirket in den Hals kommt?
Es waren zwei Tabletten a 10mg
Hallo, ist es bei Ritalin normal wenn man es pulverriesiert durch die Nase nimmt dass es dirket in den Hals kommt?
Es waren zwei Tabletten a 10mg
Habe seit langem mal wieder broccoli konsumiert und das Gefühl der schwere war furchtbar unangenehm auch das Gefühl von Kälte und Hitze war wechselhaft hat jemand eine Idee woran das liegt ?
Ich liege mit meiner Freundin im Bett und wir gucken YouTube. Aus dem nichts höre ich ein knartzen was meine freundin wiederum nicht gehört hat bin ich jetzt verrückt hatte das schonmal jemand ?
… also meine Haut ist durch meine Kosmetikerin eingentlich sehr gut. Letzten Monat war ich im Urlaub und hab meine Pflege fürs Gesicht nicht mitgenommen. Seither ist meine Haut ein bisschen schlechter geworden. Ich mache jetzt aber schon einige Zeit meine Pflege wieder so wie ich sollte Aber meine Haut wird immer schlimmer. Ich bekomme…
also ich bin seit ungefähr 9 Monaten bis 1 Jahr nicht mehr gewachsen . Und ich mache mir Sorgen ob ich noch wachse , ich bin 15m und 177cm , ich habe am April Geburtstag und werde 16. Nun lautet meine Frage:seid ihr nach so einer langen Pause wieder gewachsen ? Und wenn ja ,wie…
Powerful drugs are always the best with 14. You make the hard, cold, stressful, lifeless life by age much easier! What my great-grandmother said to my grandfather when he was a child, “Is now your meth! You want to grow big and strong!” Of course this is the case today.
Now to question: “Do I call Ritalin?”
The only bad thing is that you only take Ritalin. There are so many dead other drugs you can take in addition to you, even much cheaper! Have you ever tried to pour disinfectant in your mask to put on the mask? So you can all infiltrate the evaporated alcohol? Believe me, it’s a high. After that you’re so drunk that you can’t walk anymore. There is also a small risk of erosion due to other chemicals, but believe me this is worth it! A great other easy-to-be drug is nutmeg. Just take a teaspoon, and then the mail goes off. Believe me, you’ll get sooo blazing hallucinations. But this is nothing against the action of acetone. Once in a lance and then the mother has to call the ambulance. It was 100% value.
Save: Mix the powdered ricalin (or another drug of your choice) with 1/3 nutmeg powder. Take it carefully through the nose. Take the acetone and mix it with 2/3 disinfectant. You take this solution carefully on a disposable mask. Slow down. The effect will soon develop. Enjoy your experience.
Is that without acetone? How do you get acetone?
I don’t want to be responsible for the death of a youth.
This is all high, but yes, that was ironic
So that was so irony?
Your previous question views show that you are trying out with 14 everything that the market is ready for 14 years: cannabis, xanax, alcohol, Ritalin.
Whether this is helpful, you will notice in a few years.
And yes, riveted things always run through the neck. Does in the nose raised red, too.
If you like the Ritalin effect and the subsequent insomnia, Crystal Meth will soon be your program. Every bet on it…!
I’ve never taken Xanax and Weed, I’ve only been interested in how to prescribed it.
Sure, Dude. And if someone had prescribed it to you, you wouldn’t have tried it either.
Beautiful “Rest-Rausch” still…
Probably depends on how strong you pull…
Did you know that tablets are not suitable for drawing due to the fillers?
You had already replied to a question that you could pull it through your nose.
Technically speaking. I certainly didn’t recommend it!
No problem haha
Thanks for the “translation” of my words.
@aalbtraum, UserMod Light did not claim anything else.
He only meant that the fillers are in the way. This means that without the fillers a higher effect would occur. He has never claimed that there is no effect
Do I have an effect: Why shouldn’t it work?
I don’t say there’s no effect. Please.
I don’t know… I got euphoria after 23min and I’m light wax. So should work. But thank you for your answers.
This may apply to the purest substrate. For comminuted pills probably not. The fillers take up space and are partly in the way of the active substance.
But that’s more powerful when you take it nasal.
Let’s ask how can you get anything in your nose without it rubbing in the throat? Did you think the nasal mucosa sucks it like a sponge?